Mini Nugget charm necklace, a unique textured charm inspired by the beauty of nature
$2,369.96 - $2,585.41 -
Mini Athenais Pendant, wavy folds with the illusion of movement
$4,524.47 - $4,739.92 -
Folded Ariadne's Cross with cord and zircon
$4,739.92 - $4,955.37 -
"Ariadne's Fold: Silver 925 Cross with Zircon Inlay Inspired by Greek Tradition"
$5,063.10 - $5,314.46 -
The Wheel of fortune small edition
$2,513.60 - $2,836.77 -
The Wheel of Fortune Lucky charm Big 3cm
$3,303.58 - $3,590.85 -
Butterfly charm Necklace " The Rebirth"
$4,165.39 - $4,380.84 -
Fustanela charm necklace with Zircons, where art meets History
$4,668.11 - $4,883.56 -
Unique Christianism Silver Cross , when art meets history
$3,949.94 - $4,165.39